Low impact living at Little Tahall Farm

Here at Little Tahall Farm we are acutely aware of the effects of human activity on both global and local environment. Reducing the negative impact of how we live and work, whilst making positive contributions to the world, is a core component to our business model. Limiting our carbon footprint, reducing waste and promoting environmental wellbeing is undertaken in ways that are both realistic and sustainable long term. This means that environmental strategies need to be cost effective and well planned. With this in mind we are currently undertaking projects that focus on on-site electricity generation and water management.

Electricity at Little Tahall comes from 4 different sources according to how it is used.

By far the largest power consumption The Granary which is entirely dependent on imported mains electricity for heating, washing, cooking and lighting. No charge is made to guests for power usage but typical costs are approximately £12 per 24 hours and for this reason we close the accommodation during the winter. However work to improve insulation and install energy efficient technology, such as an on-demand water heater, has resulted in reducing the carbon footprint.

16 Solar panels had already been installed when we arrived at Little Tahall in 2018 as part of the then national ‘Feed in Tariff’ initiative. All the energy from these panels are exported to the National grid for which we receive payment depending on what has been produced. All the income from the Feed in Tariff is reinvested into projects aimed at reducing our Carbon footprint. However, the amount of power we are able to export is limited to current capacity due to transmission infrastructure so we are unable to add more panels to this array.

A further 12 Solar panels, inverter and on site storage were installed in 2023 to provide domestic power exclusively to the farmhouse. These meet most of our needs, around 12KwH per day, except during the mid winter months when a small amount of mains power is used as extra support in the evening.

The farm is powered by a 12v hybrid wind and solar array and battery storage. This runs all outdoor building power with some additional stand alone PV power for distant electric stock fences.
